10 лет, 1 месяц и 28 дней со дня ареста
тюрьма MDC Brooklyn, East Side, Нью-Йорк
автор: Роман Вега
11:00 "Если ты можешь посмотреть в семена времени и сказать, какое зерно взойдет, а какое – нет, тогда говори со мной."
– "Макбет" Шекспира (действие 1, сцена 3)
13:00 Как всегда замечательно пишет Pico Iyer: эссе про Natsume Soseki "Masters of Doing Nothing at All" (The New York Review of Books – Feb 7, 2013):
"... an individual's job in public Japan is to keep his private concerns and feelings to himself and to present a surface that gives little away. That the relation of surface to depth is uncertain is part of the point; it offers a degree of protection and lets you be yourself. The fewer words are spoken, the easier it is to believe you're standing on common ground."